West Lakes Christian Fellowship
Our focus is the restoration of individuals, the family, and the church, according to God’s design. West Lakes Christian Fellowship is a local congregation of people who love the Lord Jesus and believe what He says in the Bible.
Gathered from across the suburbs of Adelaide, we are also part of a nation-wide fellowship of churches known as Restoration Fellowships International (RFI) which also has connections with similar churches in Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and USA.

Who are we?
We are a vibrant fellowship of individuals and families who live, work and relate in our local communities across Adelaide, and gather together every Sunday for our communion service and all-age Bible studies.
You will find us to be a warm and welcoming community of Christian believers who have been impacted by God’s love, life and message. We believe God wants to bring His very own life to every person as they relate with Him and others.

What We Believe
God has a message for us and it can transform our lives. He wants us to know Him personally and find the joy of His purpose for our lives. God’s ultimate desire is for us to share in His eternal life.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to the world to bring us eternal life. Eternal life is the life from God the Father. We receive His life by hearing, believing and obeying what Jesus taught about inheriting eternal life. The teachings of Jesus continue to this day, as we read the Bible and hear God’s message proclaimed to us.

Our Program
With a focus on Christian living, communion, scriptural teaching, uplifting music and sincere worship, the church offers people a place to find life, hope and real connection to God’s purpose.
Sunday Service:
Combined Service 9:00am until 10:30am
Fellowship morning tea (BYO) 10:30am until 11:30pm