Who are we?
First established in the north eastern suburbs of Adelaide during the 1980s, we were known then as Citywide Christian Assembly (Inc). Later we moved to our current building in Philips Crescent, Hendon, and are now known as West Lakes Christian Fellowship.
We are a vibrant fellowship of individuals and families who live, work and relate in our local communities across Adelaide, and gather together every Sunday for our worship service and all-age Bible studies.
You will find us to be a warm and welcoming community of Christian believers who have been impacted by God’s love, life and message. We believe God wants to bring His very own life to every person as they relate with Him and others.
West Lakes Christian Fellowship is part of a nation-wide fellowship of twenty-five churches that form part of Restoration Fellowships International. As the name suggests, we seek a return to the life, structure and vitality of the early New Testament church so that we can go on to the fullness of what God has planned for each individual and for the broader Body of Christ (of which we are but a small part).
‘Lampstand’ Churches. We often refer to ourselves as a ‘lampstand church’, taking inspiration from the lampstand churches in the book of Revelation and from the design of the lampstand that Moses had constructed. Our faith is that local churches are to be like lights placed upon a lampstand where the oil of God’s word can supply grace to shine throughout a region. For this reason we maintain active connection with other Restoration churches around Australia through various interstate gatherings and interchange of ministry.
Here is a place to gather to find real fellowship, hope and connection to God’s purpose.
Our Life Together
We enjoy true friendship across all age demographics, and endeavour to give dignity to every person. We care for one another in practical ways, particularly in times of stress or need.
Family life is highly valued amongst us. We know that the Christian gospel is able to establish and strengthen family relationships when we commit ourselves to love God. For this reason we provide extensive pre-marriage counselling for courting couples, as well as parenting and family culture instruction for young families. We also enjoy opportunities to meet in our homes to pray, share about our Christian lives, and to study the Bible together.
A deep love for God´s word is shared amongst us, so we provide regular programmes of systematic study for all age groups, as well as discussions in home-group settings.
Our congregation is cared for by a group of leaders (including a full-time elder) who facilitate various aspects of our church program.
At West Lakes Christian Fellowship people are offered a real connection to God´s purpose for their lives as we seek to share Christ with others. We warmly invite and welcome you to be part of our church life.