Our Program

With a focus on Christian living, communion fellowship, scriptural teaching, uplifting music and sincere worship, the church offers a place to find life, hope and real connection to God’s purpose. Please join us on a Sunday for our worship service.

Sunday Service (Summer Program):

  • Combined Service 9:00am until 10:30am
  • Fellowship morning tea (BYO) 10:30am until 11:30pm

Other Meetings

Monthly Bible school

Home fellowship

Young adults - 7.00 pm Saturdays during school term

Ladies’ meetings - Periodically as announced

Seniors (over 65’s) - Periodically as announced

Men’s breakfasts - Periodically as announced

Our Meetings

The Worship Service

Our worship service is the high point of each week. Every service is unique and exciting as we fellowship together in the Holy Spirit.

Original songs. The song leaders, joined by orchestra, welcome us and lead us in a time of singing and worship. Most of the songs we sing are original compositions written locally or in associated congregations.

‘A new song’. The communion meeting usually includes a time of spontaneous ‘new song’ as we are led by the Holy Spirit. This song has no musical score and is truly ‘new’ every time we sing. This unique way of singing is described in the Bible in Psalms, Isaiah and Revelation. As the Holy Spirit leads us, the song begins with the whole congregation singing a response of thankfulness and honour to God. This usually proceeds to specific expressions of song played on instruments or sung by individuals.

Spiritual gifts. We also make time for the Holy Spirit to speak with us in gifts of the Spirit such as a prophetic word, a word of knowledge, a word of wisdom, etc.

During this morning service, a freewill offering is collected to help cover our running expenses.

All are welcome to attend our worship service and to participate in a lunch that constitutes the latter portion the service. (Because of current Covid 19 restrictions, each household supplies and serves their own food.)

Sunday Bible Classes

During the latter part of the worship service the children go out to Sunday school where they use the popular Son Seekers material as their curriculum. Your children are very welcome, even if you are not a regular attendee at West Lakes Christian Fellowship.

The teens also have their own class that is taught by an able and dedicated team of teachers.

We love the Word of God and are devoted to its study and proclamation!

Monthly Bible School

This usually occurs (subject to confirmation) on the third Saturday of each month from 7.00 to 9.00 pm, and is open to all comers free of charge. Two or three speakers systematically cover topics including sound doctrine, prophetic and end times themes, and ‘present truth’.

Attendees are encouraged to bring note taking equipment and a Bible.

Home Fellowships

As the name suggests, these meetings take place in various homes across Adelaide. On the first and third Wednesday of each month families gather for singing, prayer and discussion, fellowship and support.

Because these take place in private homes the locations are not published and attendance is by invitation.

Young Adults

This is a discipleship program built around four areas: teaching in the word, Christian culture, worship and skills training and mobilization towards outreach. We concentrate on living the Christian life and serving our generation.

There is a strong emphasis on training in the Word of God and in song, and in building strong Christian relationships.

Ladies’ Fellowship

Periodically, usually once per term, our ladies gather for fellowship, singing, testimony and word. These take place on a Wednesday night at the church.


This periodic gathering takes place at various venues and provides fellowship and encouragement for those over 60. This is a friendly group who will welcome any visitors.